Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Things I'm not good at.

There are a lot of things I'm good at, and I'm sure there are lots of things you are good at as well.  Lately I realized I have some flaws.  Shocking, I know....

1.  I can't say no to getting frozen yogurt.  Ice cream in general is my weakness.  Thanks to TCBY moving in down the street from me, I've put on a good five pounds.  I totally think about getting it almost every day.  This week I've limited myself to once.  It's only Wednesday.  Small victories.

2.  Cooking.  It's not that i'm a terrible cook; it's the fact that I don't cook for myself.  Tonight I reheated a frozen lasagna, and that's the closest I've come to cooking for myself in weeks.  I've eaten a lot of take out. A lot.

3.  Letting things go.  Once I get an idea in my head, I'm bound and determined to do it.  I don't like to be told no.

4.  Painting my fingernails.  I've stopped biting my fingernails, and I've started painting them instead.  It never fails that they look like crap before the end of the day.

5.  Making friends.  I have friends, and I have made efforts to make new ones lately.  It's great when I'm hanging out by the pool, but it's time to take some steps to find some friends that I can call on the week days.

Don't worry there are plenty of other things I can add to the list, but why be a downer?  I'm going to stop there, and enjoy my night.  You should, too.

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