Friday, July 1, 2011

Being Single isn't a Disease

For 98% of my life, I've been single.  I'm not a serial dater; heck it's been so long I'm not really sure what an actual date is at this point.  Honestly, 98% of the time I'm perfectly fine being single.  I enjoy hanging out with myself or with the girls.  I'm also not patient so I don't see myself as ever being good at the whole dating game.  I'm not good with games.

My biggest pet peeves are family events where I'm questioned about my job and if I have a boyfriend.  Thankfully I have a full time job so I actually have an answer to one of those questions.  "What's a girl like you doing still single?"  "I'm sure you're out dating all the time"  "Going to get married anytime soon?"  I despite all of those questions.  I get it;  I'm from the South and people tend to get married younger.  The fact I'm 25 and have yet to be in a serious relationship is weird to people (like my grandmother, parents, family friends, etc...), but honestly what's wrong with it.  When did being single get such a negative connotation?

A few months ago I got a facebook invite to a women's get together.  I only knew the hostess, but I've been thinking I should make more friends in the area.  I thought why not give this a try.  As I arrive at the get together, I realize all the women there are from the girl's community group and all of them are newly married.  They were still very nice to hang out with.  Then I met another girl named, Sarah.  Thinking back to the facebook invite list, I realize she wasn't on there.  It hit me....I'm 95% sure my name was added by accident.  I wasn't supposed to be invited to this newly wed girls night.  The topics mainly were lives with their new husbands.  They even brought up how they just don't hang out with single people anymore.  Once you're married things are different and you find yourself doing things more with couples than your single friends who "just don't understand"  I left that night and was told it was nice meeting me.  I was also told they'd let me know when they all got together again.  Either they haven't gotten together in the past 3 almost 4 months or.......they didn't invite the single person back.

My mom encourages me to join a church;  Find a Sunday school class full of singles.  That screams desperate city to me, and I have a feeling most people go to those things to meet people.  In my opinion, I'll meet someone.  I'm 25;  I'm bound to date at some point.  It's not a big deal.  I don't think i'm weird.  I just think I'm in a life stage that makes things a little difficult to meet people.  Do your single friends a favor next time, and don't ask them why they are single.  We don't appreciate that.

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