Sunday, July 10, 2011

Egos and Pool Parties

This past weekend I spent 10 hours at my apartment pool.  They were having a pool party, and I am amazed by how many people were out there.  I made new friends, and I had a lot of fun.  I was told today that I "was working the crowd" by my neighbor whatever that means.

Sneak-a-Date boy came over to talk to me.  I can't say it was welcomed.  He's a nice guy, but I'm not interested other than being friends.  He mentioned that he had texted me earlier this week about hanging out, and I said I didn't get one.  This honestly should have been hint number one to this guy that I'm not so into him.  Had I been interested, I obviously would've replied with a quickness.  I'm not good with being subtle. (apparently just ask half the people at my apartment complex that saw me flirting this past weekend)

He said it was right after we had gotten back from fireworks.  I said something to the affect of oh yeah;  I must have been asleep and I'm pretty terrible about responding to texts the next day if I don't do it immediately.  (lies, all lies)  Sneak-a-Date boy (not sure why i'm calling him a boy.  He's 35) then informed me that he would like to cook dinner for me and asked me what I'd like to eat.  I was honest and informed him that I'm picky like a 10 year old.  I said I didn't eat seafood or red meat.  He then believe suggested cooking some chicken dish.  He asked when would be a good time, and I said he could just let me know.  I believe then I got in the pool to avoid him.

He attempted to talk to me several times over the day.  I was nice but not overly friendly.  During this time one of my new friends came out and talked to me for a while.  I also met some other people to talk with.  By the end of the night, it as a great day.  I forgot my earbuds at the pool and went to look for them.  I ran into a new friend and sat down and talked with him.  We discussed sneak-a-date boy asking me out, and I informed him I wanted to get out of it (yes that was a hint to the new friend to help me out)  We laughed about it.  While sitting in the pool chair, I got a text that said, "I'll leave you alone;  I can see that you aren't interested"
Later I replied, "sorry, but I'm interested in someone right now."
his response "i've noticed, and you'll be disappointed...."

Someone's ego was a little bruised.  He wouldn't inform me why I would be disappointed.  Today at the pool, sneak-a-date boy completely ignored me.  I was nice to this guy, but now he completely ignores me.  Apparently I can't be just friends.  I'm 25, and I'm ok with being single.  It's fun to flirt with different people.  I'm not expecting marriage from guys I flirt with at the pool.  I'm just looking for new friends.

Apparently there's a little drama factor added to my apartment life.  It makes me laugh.  A lot.  It's 24 hours later, and I'm still laughing.  Sorry sneak-a-date boy;  I'm just not that into you.  Also, Congrats on being a new story in my life.  I can't say I've ever been asked on a date to only have the offer revoked by the end of the night.

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