Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It's recently been brought to my attention that I am unapproachable.

I've always thought that I come across as friendly, but maybe that has changed post college life.  I was told by a friend who first met me in a work setting that I seemed unapproachable.  Actually let me be honest, he said I seemed like a bitch.  A couple of months later, we met again (after I've had a few drinks), and we got along great.  We're good friends now which is how I got the story that originally I seemed like one of those girls that thought she was better than other people.  That really makes me laugh.  I don't see myself that way at all.  I think personally I'm a big dork.  I'm really awkward.

Fast forward to this weekend where I have dinner with another friend who informs me that he's surprised I'm so talkative and funny.  Apparently he also thought I kept to myself and had no desire to make friends.   In my defense, he always saw me at the gym, and when I'm running on the treadmill I'm in the zone.   Actually, I'm really making deals with myself to run another mile.

I realize this post is stupid, but I just find it surprising when you see yourself one way and learn that others view you differently.  I think this makes me great for reality TV.  Ben's rumored to be the next Bachelor; I seriously should have signed up.  There's always next time...

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