Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No, This Isn't A Date

I have two thoughts to share.

I feel like as a girl we've all been there when a guy we aren't particularly into asks us out for a meal.   Because we aren't interested, we assume that it's just a friends thing.  And boy are we wrong.  Yes, this recently happened to me.  I thought why not have a meal with a friend.  During the meal, he made several suggestions of things we should do together.  That's when I ultimately realized that I was being a cougar and on a date with a kid.  Ok, so he was 22, but in my book that's practically a baby.

Girls and Guys can be friends.  I have lots of guy friends that I love, and I wouldn't find it at all weird if they asked me to have dinner.  Those relationships have been built over time, and they are good friends.  If this is someone new that you haven't been around much.....he's not asking to hang out as friends.  It's a date.  Think about it, why else would a guy you barely know offer to hang out doing a date like activity if it wasn't a date?  As much as we can hope that it's not a date, you know it is.  I personally like to throw out the word friend during the meal as much as possible and make up guys I'm potentially interested in to set some things straight.  I could be interested in someone.  Ok, that "could be" is a lie;  I'm usually interested in someone even if it's just a guy I flirt with to get free tea, but that is a different story.

While you may want to debate my theory, don't.  Seriously if a guy asks you to lunch, brunch, dinner, and he isn't one of your good guy friends.....the boy is asking you out on a date.  Maybe with more hanging out in a group setting and throwing out the word "friend" over time will help develop that into a friendship.  Until then, watch out because you're going on a date whether you like to admit it or not.

My second thought is random....How do they grow seedless watermelons if they don't have seeds?

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