Monday, August 15, 2011

Grilled Pizza

Last week I was determined.  I was going to cut back on eating out, and I was going to cook for myself.  I'd recently read some blog about grilling a pizza.  I thought that it sounded good, and I was going to try it.

I bought pizza crust in a bag that all you do is add warm water and let it rise for 5 minutes.  I assembled all of ingredients (fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, pizza sauce, pesto, and basil) and I grabbed my dough and headed out to my grill located at my apartment pool.

Well, let me say that I've never used a grill.  Thankfully we have gas grills, so I thought it'd be easy.  After a good 10 minutes, I finally got it lighted and going.  I watched the grill slowly heat up.  All the blogs said the grill needed to be hot, so I waited until it reached 400 degrees.  and then I went to pick up my pizza dough off my plate to throw in the grill.  It was stuck, and my grill temperature dropped.  So I quickly shut the lid, and tried to get my dough ready again.  I divided it in half and decided to go with two rectangle shaped pizzas.  I then threw the dough on the grill and shut the lid.  I waited three minutes.  I opened to check on my dough, and let's just say the dough was slightly charred on the bottom.  I quickly used my spatula, and flipped them where I quickly dumped my pizza sauce, cheese, and tomatoes and shut the lid again.  I was concerned about it burning so I turned off one of the burners hoping the cheese would melt.

One minute later I was scared of burning them, so I removed both pizzas from the grill.  I will say this: the non burned parts were really good, and I will try to grill a pizza again.

Things I will do differently:
Don't heat up the grill so hot.  I think I'll only leave one burner on, and good the pizzas on the side the grill isn't on.

I'll check on the pizzas after a minute.

I'll also remove the pizzas to flip and add toppings instead of doing it while they are on the grill.  Hopefully this will leave the pizzas time to cook and the cheese to melt.

I may also do a little more research.  Pictures are absent due to the slightly charred look to my pizzas.

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