Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Bachelorette: After the Final Rose

Well Let's see if these two love birds are more awkward than Brad and Emily were.

First they bring out Ben to twist the knife in his hear a little bit.  Ben has let his hair grow out and parts it down the middle.  Oh he really must have a thing for 90s hair.  Chris makes everyone and Ben rewatch Ben proposing to Ashley and her saying No.  This is just cruel.  I'm sure he feels like an idiot as he sits there and watches himself get dumped again.  I just hope he doesn't apologize for being blunt and pissed at Ashley.  I'm glad to hear Ben say he WAS in love with her.  He seems like a nice guy.

They bring out Ashley with super dark brown hair.  She always likes to changer her appearance for these things.  She is sporting her engagement ring.  Ben asks her when did she know that she was going to pick JP.  She dances around the question with "you just have to follow her heart" and doesn't answer him.  Basically Ben, she used you for sex.  She's as bad as Brad.  She's a bitch.  She says she hopes they can be friends.

Ashley and Chris are now alone.  JP is "a really good kisser".  JP comes out and they make out for the cameras.  "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me"  They make out some more.

They make us watch them watching their proposal.  They do seem all smiles.  Much less awkward than Emily and Brad.  They make out some more.  "complete fairytale"

Sister Bitch tries to make up for being a bitch.  She says she fully supports him now and is on "Team Cupcake"

Ashley is finishing school (she's taking forever to graduate) and is moving to NYC and getting a place together.   No surprise that they haven't set a date for a wedding.

Chris doesn't want them to leave empty handed.  JP says he's not, but Chris sends them to Fiji anyways.  Well let the games begin....When will this train wreck end?  Will they get married?  Hmmmm I'm not so sure.

I hope everyone enjoyed watching this train wreck.  I love trash tv.

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