Watch out blog world, I'm on a roll.
Yesterday I was complete bum, and I got sucked into watching an embarrassing amount of "Extreme Couponing" on TLC. I've heard the ladies I work with discuss the show and how they too want to extreme coupon. I'm not anti coupons. I like them, and I still totally use my student ID for student discounts despite the fact I've been out of college for 3 years, but I don't get kicks and giggles from it.
Seriously I haven't watched a show this weird in quite some time. I watch a lot of tv, so that says a lot. These people devote 70-80 hours a week to collecting and clipping and organizing coupons. In order to be a good extreme couponer you apparently need to devote one to two rooms to your stock pile because if you can get deodorant for free and purchase 200 sticks, you'll need a place to store it.
Now some of these people use their "skills" for good and will donate say 1100 boxes of serious they paid just $100 for to a food shelter. That's great, but they also will keep a lot of things for themselves. Do you really need a wall of toilet paper? I get it; it totally sucks to pay for toilet paper, deodorant, toothpaste, etc, but it's a fact of life. You need it, but do you really need to have enough for 34 years?!
My favorite were a set of twins. They have over a thousand diapers saved up. I hear diapers are expensive. I wouldn't know, and I'm ok with not knowing that fact. The kicker is neither of them are married or have kids!!! I can't imagine how that would go over if they invited a guy over for dinner, and they walked into their stash closet..
"um you have a lot of diapers, do you have any kids?"
"not yet...."
That won't scare a guy a way.....
Another favorite is a lady that gets dressed to the nines including full make up and stiletto back boots to do her shopping. "People look and me and think wow she's got to be rich" These people will spend 5 hours shopping out the best deals and separating them out into separate transactions to get the best deals. Note...don't ever get behind these people in the check out line.
I understand people are on a budget and that clipping coupons is like free money, but seriously....I don't ever want it to be my life. I don't want or need 30 bottles of salad dressing even if I can get them for free.
I'm a single girl and I rarely cook for myself, so I don't get it. The ladies at work are all moms on a budget and to them the thought of getting free cereal is thrilling. I pray that free cereal isn't the highlight of my day in the future.
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