Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hello 12 Year Old Sara

As a kid growing up, I had all kinds of expectations for myself.  Sometimes I question what my younger self would think about almost 25 year old me.

I think 12 year old would be proud of the following things:

1. the fact I can rock 5'' high heels.
2. my diet.  My life consists of ice cream, pizza, and chickfila.  No worries, I have an apple a day to balance things out.
3. That I studied abroad in London.
4. I can still recite at least one line from music I listened to in high school....and I can still bust out moves from Whippets when needed.
5. I've kept two plants alive for almost 2 years.

Things I'd be shocked to find out:
1. I actually run for fun.  and more than 20ft.  even if no one is chasing me.
2. I got a boob job.
3. That at almost 25, I'm still not 100% certain what I'm doing with my life.
4. That I never made it on a Disney Channel movie.

Overall, I think 12 year old Sara would be pleased with me.  I mean I own The Mighty Ducks on DVD; I have a decent shoe collection;  and I have some pretty great friends that accept me despite how weird I am.

If you need me to sing remix to ignition to you, just give me a call.

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