Will you accept this....peony?

All my friend have heard me joke about for years on how I plan on going on The Bachelor. I joke about it even more now that I'm almost 25.
You see, I have a game plan. First The Bachelor, where I will make America fall in love with the sweet southern girl from Arkansas only to have the Bachelor break my heart. America will love so much that ABC asks me to become The Bachelorette.
Being the Bachelorette will be a daunting task, I realize. I will ask the show to let me use peonies, because I like those more than roses. Roses are overrated. Dating 25 guys won't be easy. I have enough issues finding one person to date, but with the help of tv cameras, there will be 25. Sorry Mom, I will make out with a lot of them. By the end of the show, I get a guy down on one knee with a big ring purchased by ABC. We'll be in the tabloids for a few months before he breaks my heart, and I'm left single. Luckily the ring will be made into something pretty. Then America will want to see me succeed, and I will go on dancing with the stars in which I will kick ass and obviously win. Top 3 at worst.
Much kidding aside, I keep actually wanting to apply. I'd be terrible. I do think i'd end up being the girl that fell for the guy despite the fact he was dating other girls. Maybe I'm a sucker. I realize I spend a lot of time convincing myself i'm going to end up hurt and I need to bail or being worried about being "that girl" that never saw the clues that he's not that into me. Hello ABC, I'm perfect for this show.
The Bachelorette starts the day after my 25th birthday. I'm obviously going to watch the train wreck unfold for pointers....just in case.
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