I fully believe that the mansion is still being fully steam cleaned from all the activities from Bachelor Pad, so the ladies and Ben head off to Salt Lake City, Utah.
Ben flies around in a helicopter because you know that's what people do. I will say Utah is pretty, but I'm not sure if flying over the trees really "has all the colors of the rainbows" like Ben says. Ben's rainbows must consist of yellow, green, brown, some orange, and grey. Maybe Ben is color blind.
Our favorite fashion consultant from Banana Republic, Rachel, gets the first date. The girls are jealous when Ben and Bangs fly off into the sunset in a helicopter. Ben's apparently big into the great outdoors, so he's going to show the women what it's like to be in the great outdoors. In my opinion, Ben needs to pick a home town and a hobby.
Anyways back to what would be the date from hell for me..... Let's go canoeing. Can I say hell no? Terrible, terrible date. ABC really blew the budget on the helicopter thus they are stuck in the canoe. After some terribly awkward silences and lots of the champagne, the couple goes to dinner. (I'm sure this is after another painfully awkward canoe ride back to shore) They sit at a dinner table, yet I never see either one eat.
How does this work to begin with? Do they order from a menu or is it already decided? I'm picky. Odds are that i'd be starving and drunk. Bangs pretends to open up and shockingly Ben gives her a rose. I'm sorry if I went on a first date like this, i'd be avoiding the second date for sure.
Next up on the great outdoor group date, Ben awkwardly rides a horse towards the girls that were left out in an open field. Lindzi the horse gal freaks out. You know she loves horses, right? Ben then "surprises" the lady with fly fishing. I'm pretty sure Ben has never done this either. Lots of just walking around and talking to the girls as they stand in funny pants in the water.
The model is on this date and she's a bitch which isn't a surprise. They discuss important relationship topics such as what kind of mustard really is best. The other girls get bored and start drinking. Here Here! Off to more cocktails and fancy dresses. I'm not sure these girls really ever get to eat. Kacie B. and Ben have a great one on one time. Then model girl steals Ben away and gives a whiny fit in order to get the rose. Samantha the emotional one whines about not getting a one-on-one date and Ben decides she's not pretty enough to keep around AND whine. He sends her packing home.
The last date is with the fake red headed accountant aka the best kisser in the house. After a boring "drop" into a cave, the couple rides a ski thingy to look at animals. There's also a country concert involved. Blah blah blah, I'm an accountant. I'm on a schedule, but I can still have fun" blah blah blah. She gets a rose.
Rose Ceremony
In short, the model is a bitch. PhD Emily tattles on the model being a bitch, but little does she know that Ben wants to sleep with the model. She and model banter. The model is hopefully embarrassed as she's sitting and watching this season air.
Monica the possible Lesbian goes home without a rose. Shockingly she was much less weird than the first night.
Ben tells the remaining ladies they are off to Puerto Rico. The ladies are excited except for Courtney the model because "I was there like two months ago" Ben announces that they are still going to Puerto Rico. Awkward..... Really ABC...did you not bother asking Courtney what locations she'd like to visit? How dare you!
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