Friday, October 7, 2011

There's No Crying in Baseball

And I'm back.  After just 8 days in the office during the month of September, I am finally home for a spell.  I'm not going to lie.  I'm way excited to be home for a while.  It's fall so that means leaves will be changing colors, boots are almost acceptable to wear, and pumpkin bread!

During my many travels, I received a phone call from my boss asking me what I thought about taking on some more work.  I attempted to be a team player and said sure.  This extra work has been dumped on me this week, and I'm not going to like....I hate it.  It's more administrative work than anything else, and I'm basically taking half of one person's work load.  No we aren't down sizing.  The lady is still there.  She just decided to dump her work on me.  Joy.

I've been training this week in addition to playing catch up from being out of the office for so long.  Needless to say it's all been overwhelming to see my work load more than doubt, and I have no clue how to keep everything organized.

Today during my training session, I broke down in tears.  Boy do I feel stupid.  As a girl, I cry from time to time.  A sad movie, a bad day, whatever....but it's usually in the comfort of my own apartment when I'm alone.  To cry at work is well quite embarrassing.  Thankfully my boss wasn't there and most people had gone home, so not too many people witnessed my 5 minute cry fest.

I don't want work to think I can't handle it, but I know I'm much more capable than the stupid admin tasks they are giving.  These aren't exactly the new projects I had in mind when my boss told me he was looking forward to giving me more in depth projects.

Just like in baseball (I just so happen to sell baseball caps) there's no crying at work.  I'm a girl;  work can deal with it.  In the meantime, I do feel stupid.

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