Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Buzz, Your Girlfriend! Woof! (or a Christmas month)

Okay, so I've failed at updating the blog.  Things got busy over the holidays with the boyfriend in town and then Christmas going on, so here's a quick (or not so quick) recap.

Christmas really started for me with the arrival of Scott the weekend before Christmas.  We spent the next 6 days having a little Christmas of our own.  We kicked things off with a nice dinner and off to the square to look at Christmas lights and take pictures.

Above may be the only actual good photo we took.

Sunday we woke up and exchanged Christmas gifts, and then made a gingerbread house.

The side of the house may just have candy shoved on the side of it.  Then we ordered a large cheese pizza to watch Home Alone together.  These are new Christmas traditions that I look forward to doing again.

Another tradition I continued is dressing up my cat Peewee for Christmas. This year he was the angriest  reindeer of all:

For early Christmas, my grandmother decided to do something new this year.....We each received the same sock monkey pjs.  I've never laughed so much seeing my family all dressed up in the same clothes:

The entire Cathey Clan

These aren't so flattering, but I love seeing my cousins and my brother.

My brother got my mom, dad, and I all a forever lazy.  Apparently figure flattering gifts were on my list this year.....

It really was a great Christmas.  My parents got me the red kitchen aid mixer I've been wanting since college.  It's a lot of fun to get together with everyone.  As I get older, I really do realized how much I love my family.  I hope you had a Merry Christmas too!  I can't believe 2012 is almost here!

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